Sunday, July 29, 2007

pew pew pew


And for those of you who are amazingly bored, here's a damn good time-killer of a game. It's the first decent DDR based flash game I've come across. ENJOY IT CUZ I EMBEDDED IT IN MY BLOG VIA MY AWESOME HTML SKILLZ.

Monday, July 16, 2007

ira glass is the man

i'm gonna be an embedding whore now.

here are several videos of Ira Glass, the host of This American Life (guy that was 2nd on my list of fucking awesome voices), giving some guidelines to good storytelling.

i think it's vital stuff for anyone with an interest in writing for film or television, which i don't... so i've seen this a thousand times and still suck at storytelling. i just watch it to listen to him talk.

so there you go. now noone has an excuse to suck at storytelling.
... except for me.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

this american life

i've never really had the inclination to "embed" things in my blog. i'm not an html savvy guy, so i figured i'd just provide the link, and they could see whatever it was for themselves.

but i am embedding this video, from This American Life, cuz i saw it a long time ago, lost the link, and finally found it just now. and i think it's worth watching, so here goes:

This American Life is a GREAT radio show, perfect for passing the time when you're doing tedious tasks on photoshop, or just sleuthing on a lazy sunday afternoon or whatever. you can listen to full episodes at, and see clips from their show on showtime.

'my reputation,' '24 hours at the golden apple,' and 'the allure of the mean friend' are some of my favorites.

and of course, ira glass high up there on my list of fucking awesome voices, second only next to jeremy irons

d.c. metros are stupid.

it's 3:18 am, and i'm in the office, because i really love my job. like, really.

see? there's my 6 monitor set-up. each one of those represents a characteristic of mine that reflects my work ethic.



shut up.

i'm here because the metro system here in washington fails to see the financial benefits of running 24/7 and actually closes. so now i'm stranded here in the office until it opens.

i should take advantage of this and do a lot work.

but i'd much rather spend the next 5 hours changing everyone's screen-saver to something profane... like a baby chimpanzee jerking it into a banana peel, or this:

Thursday, July 12, 2007

american university blows.

it's 1:24 in the morning, and i'm 2/3rds, wait, NAY, 25/36th of the way through writing a script for a documentary i'm getting progressively less interested in completing.

i kinda feel like this

and that is me trying to suffocate american university to death with my claws of fury, cuz this place blows... hard.

their dining hall costs 15 bux a meal. but me and my friend greg figure if we go in with a duffel bag full of tupperware, we can get out 15 dollars worth. so we fill up our shit, and this southern bitch who looked like a walking banana split came and yelled at us, and made us throw it away.

so in the end, i paid 15 bux for some tater tots and to dirty up my tupperware.

and the food tasted like i imagine how this would taste

but i didn't want to leave empty handed, so i took the first thing i could find, which was this basket of napkins.

take that, american university.